Monday, May 7, 2012

May Day

Attended Beltane on the Beach at Popham state park yesterday. Was a great day. Had a great circle and 5 may poles. Good to see lots of families and creative expression. It was good to connect with the earth and sea.

I love this pic!
Blessed  Beltane!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hello witchy friends!

Hello there. Long, long long time no write. I will try to keep up with this as my life is getting far more interesting. Lets see, got married. It was a great ceremony, pagan of course! We jumped a broom and did a handfasting. It was perfect for us. Perhaps I will try and post some pictures. We went to Salem for our honeymoon, how fitting!

We have found our local pagan community. Didn't know they existed...the Eastern Maine Pagan Pride Association. Its only 3 years old which explains why we didn't know it existed (we've recently moved back to this area). There are a bunch of events coming up, such as Beltane on the Beach, a Beltane celebration at the local UU church, pot lucks, workshops, and other goodies. I'm so happy we found community. As many of you know it can be hard to find community as a pagan.

Personally my gifts have been flourishing. I'm a psychic medium, and have been developing. I'm seeing auras more frequently, developing my ability to speak and help the dead, and healing. I'm currently a reiki II and hope to be master level by fall. I've been working with colors and reading a great book by Ted Andrews about healing. Animals, particularly birds have been making their presence known to me. I've been working with a hypnotherapist and been doing amazing work on my own healing. I have met amazing people who I consider good friends, and  "soul sisters". Positive things are really manifesting for me and its been wonderful. I am enjoying the ride.

My husband has been studying numerology and its amazing...I recommend the book "The idiots guide to numerology". Very good read. My husband is currently taking classes to start a business. We plan on opening a new age store in the next few years. It will be called "Age of Aquarius" and will offer all the basic tools (incense, stones, candles) as well as books, divination tools, herbs and a healing center. In the healing center reiki, other therapies as well as classes, workshops, groups and community events will take place.

Ok, I think that is it for now, I will try and post in here regularly. Happy Beltane!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Long time

Hello. Long time no write. Many things have happened. I'm in a reflective mood..

Got engaged, and getting married this October. Very excited!
Got a new job, and have moved about an hour north. It is old stomping ground, and very strange to be up here. I went to college here and this is the place I learned and grew in my spirituality. People have moved on so its weird to be back. We are about a 5 min walk from a pagan store and that is really neat. Reestablishing a social life will be nice as well. I have a reiki room in our new place, which is wonderful! I'll be able to keep my table out all the time. I hope to start giving reiki treatments once I am all settled. I think that is it for now. I am feeling reflective, and a bit sad. I miss the past I suppose and all the fun/exciting times I had here and now most people have moved on. The wheel continues to turn....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

mmm Mabon

Hello there. Fall is here...officially tomorrow. Happy Mabon to everyone! (pagan name for fall equinox). There is a new tv show on Bio, "Celebrity Nightmares". Its pretty neat...there is a dream decoder who analyzes celebrity's nightmares. Actually a few of them hit home with me. I'd recommend watching it if you are at all interested in dreams. I believe it is on Saturday nights, at 10 or 11. Ok, that's all for now!

Many Blessings

Thursday, September 2, 2010

hot hot September!

Happy September everyone! Though, you would think its July up here in Maine. 95 degrees and humid for the last 3 days. NOT fun! Though, hurricane Earl is on his way up and that will bring nice cool air. :) I look forward to a good storm.

So, fall is my favorite season and can't wait to decorate. my friend got me a candle, my favorite scent, pumpkin spice! yum. I feel so alive in the all, perhaps because its comfortable, cool and dry, and the leaves are pretty. I love the smells too. I also feel more connected spiritually as the veil thins. :)

I have been thinking of something lately, thought I'd share here. Ever look at babies, and have them literally look right through you? Some kids..most i'd say, are so intelligent, and connected to the other side its scary! They know exactly whats going on, and as they grow they lose that connection (not all of them). I love to communicate telepathically with them and have them give me a big knowing smile! its great. hehe I cannot wait to have children, and some them my pagan ways (evil laughter) hehe. Of course, I will let them choose what path they'd like but I plan on raising them pagan.

Ok, so I have tendonitis in my right wrist, so I need to stop typing! :-p

blessings to all!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fallll and Jesus

Hello world. Fall is on its way...though a bit early this year. Typically in Maine, leaves start changing late September, early October. Usually most of the leaves have fallen by Samhain, nice to crunch in during trick-or-treating! But, this year the leaves are already starting to change, and its August. Very odd...I attribute it to the hot weather and lack of rain. Hopefully the trees aren't bare in a month! The foliage is one of my favorite things about fall.

So, my mundane life has been pretty crazy. Stuff going on at work and so on, so once again my spiritual life has gone on the back burner. Its always a struggle, at least for me...getting caught up in mundane things such as work and money...when all what really matters is love, family and happiness. I'm working on it. I am really enjoying the turning of the wheel...I'm ready for fall. Stores are already putting out Halloween decorations. We've been invited to a Halloween party, which will be fun. I want to start decorating our apartment, but I will force myself to wait until September! haha. I wish I had more harvest-y decorations, like a fall wreath. Mmmm and fall scented favorite is pumpkin spice. It will be fun, since this will be our first time in our own place for the holidays...except for an apartment we had in 2007 but we were in college so it was different.

I've been feeling connected again the last few days with God. Its great. Also, been communicating/thinking about Jesus lately. He's a great guy. Some of you are probably like "WHAT?! Shes a pagan! No Jesus!" But, I have an interesting view/relationship with him. I've always felt "different" and haven't agreed with much of Christian teachings. However, I believe Jesus existed, and was a great prophet. He's amazing, just as Buddha and Moses were amazing. I had a dream years ago about Jesus, and that I touched just one of his hairs from his head, and I was filled with a wonderful feeling. A similar feeling to what I feel when I feel God or Goddess's love. It was amazing, and we were communicating, without speaking, how he loves me, and knows that my life's path involves being pagan and he's fine with that. I truly believe there are numerous paths to God, and God doesn't care which one you take. Christianity is really easy for some people to swallow, others not. I believe Jesus gets this, and doesn't long as you love, and treat people with dignity and respect. That's what its all about, not sins and repentance and saints...demons...its about love. That's what Jesus preached. So, now that I've gone on and on about Jesus...

I should get back to work. I love having multiple spiritual guides in my life. I feel very connected to the other side. I'm satisfied with my relationship with Jesus, and every other being I talk to. It feels absolutely wonderful.

I'm interested in what others think about Jesus...and their personal relationship with him. Anyone have a similar relationship to mine? Remeber, this is a place for discussion not lecturing. I am on my path, and no one will be able to convert me, so please don't try. I'm just generally interested if people have simular feelings.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Life Long Learning

Hello out there. Been reading a lot lately, and on my bookshelf currently is "Beyond the Indigo Children: The New Children and the coming of the Fifth World" by P.M.H Atwater and "History of Witchcraft and Demonology" by Montaque Summers. I'm about half way through with Beyond the Indigo, and I like it so far. She talks a lot about 2012, and the new generation "the millenials" which is my generation, 1982-2001. Very cool stuff, and goes along with a lot of beliefs I have about the new world and how things will change. I love being privy to the other planes of have a clue as to what is going on on the "other side'. I have felt a great level of anticipation, ever since watching the ball drop on new years eve 2007. Its was like this energy shift. Each year it gets stronger. I also know my children will be a major part of this shift (as all will be, the new generation). I'm so glad I am alive during this time in our history...people have been talking about it for thousands of years. We are all very lucky.